Saturday, December 27, 2008

Laura: Xmas is no time to diet

I went to a Christmas program recently, during which the choir sang a song about holiday eating called "Christmastime is no time to diet." That pretty much sums up the last month for me. All weightloss have been regained, fitness is at a pitiful low, and clothes are not looking so great on.

It's about time to start a new year with a new resolve for fitness and healthy eating. I'm doing the couch to 5k training program -- in theory, with Shannan and Loree. We'll see how that goes. AND, my dear husband bought me a bicycle trainer for our house for Christmas. Since I can't really get out to ride that much (because I'm a winter wuss), this is great for me.

Not really any excuses now, are there? Odds that I come up with excuses anyway? Pretty good. I'm working on it though.

UPDATE: Just finished a run, and I really don't like running that much. My husband swears it's because I'm not breathing right. May be true. I'll keep going though and see if I can push through over the next couple weeks.


Sarah said...

I've never been a runner, but did the C25K program this past fall. It really does work - I ran a full 5K at the end! I still like having run more than running, but I'm working on that.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you've started running already. I am starting this weekend.......